April 14, 2010

BeautifulPeople.com strikes once again

GGPR’s controversial client BeautifulPeople.com once again commanded the features pages of the media this week with two double page spreads in Metro and The Times (http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/relationships/article7095612.ece). Both pieces were written off the back of our ‘Meet the members’ event at London club Chinawhite, an opportunity for members to meet face to face and for us to introduce case studies to the press (and something that was very successful indeed if these articles are anything to go by!) And our very own Rupert goose even got a special mention! ‘A Satyr?’ we gasped, in response to the journalist’s description of our delightful exec, surely he must be mistaken? His comment on the BeautifulPeople.com team being ‘reliably attractive’ on the other hand… now that’s more like it! Judge Rupert’s doe eyed look for yourself below!

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